Healing Corner: Winter Wellness

This winter may be unlike any winter you have ever experienced… you might be homeschooling or dealing with the on and off again schedule of in person school vs virtual, you may be laid off from work, or adjusting to a new job or a new way of working from home, you may be dealing […]

Open Thought: The Milgram Experiments on Obedience to Authority

Milgram wanted to know how far the average person would go. Whether you’re familiar or not, I suggest they hold a lesson for all of us, and one worth revisiting from time to time.  They demonstrated that people have a strong tendency to comply with authority figures, even when it means violating their own sense […]

Guns & Cornbread: Get that Kid a BB Gun for Christmas

Slowly, one quiet step at a time I stalked my quarry. It was July and it was hot and very humid, common conditions for a muddy riverbank in southern West Virginia. The air was heavy with humidity and riverbank smells, cicadas and other insects droned in the trees, a trickle of sweat rolled down by […]

Eye on the Sky: Conjunction of the Giants

Be sure to keep your eyes glued to the sky this December, as it promises to be a very interesting month. The show kicks off on the night of December 13-14, which is when peak activity of the Geminids meteor shower will occur. Often considered the best shower of the year, this year’s event will […]

Grandpa Larry’s Random Reminiscence: Autumn Nonsense

There was Homer sitting in one of my lawn chairs looking ever-so-much like Rodin’s The Thinker. I was sitting in a favorite chair by the front window reading from my vast collection of fantasy novels, reflecting on the fantasy I was living in. I wondered if some of the novels weren’t esoteric histories, and then […]

Spirits Up at Robert’s Antiques in Lewisburg, WV

[acx_slideshow name=”Roberts Antiques”] Winter antiquing is a great, low-key way to spend a weekend in Lewisburg. This tiny town of just under 4,000 boasts a major antiques scene including Brick House Antiques, The Sign of the Golden Rabbit which carries generational heirlooms, Patina, The Very Thing, Lewisburg Diamond and Gold’s estate jewelry, and Tattered & […]

Off the Beaten Path: Blue Rondo a La Winter

Of all the seasons, winter is my favorite. One of the best things about it is its coziness potential. Thomas De Quincey expressed it well when he wrote, “Surely everyone is aware of the divine pleasures which attend a wintry fireside; candles at four o’clock, warm hearthrugs, tea, a fair tea-maker, shutters closed, curtains flowing […]

History Unraveled: An Extremely Short History of Xmas in America

The evolution of Christmas in America is a case in point. Gaining a historical perspective on America is not easy with current events and social media sucking up all of the oxygen. However, looking back through the decades and centuries it seems clear that life in these United States has always been more or less […]

In the Spirit: I’ll Bring the Wine!

I have been in the beverage industry for nearly 20 years. My family and friends know my passion, and often ask for my advice. I am also the one who brings the wine for the holiday supper, sharing it with a wide range of wine drinkers.  There are some wines I save for intimate family […]