FALL Into Music w/ LBSPY #42. OUT NOW!!!

Wisdom From the Woods: Life Lessons Learned From Being Around My Beloved Twin Brother by Jim Shock

(Pictured: Jim Shock & JP) As summer fades into autumn’s blaze, lush greens blush from the sun’s kiss. The air is light as ether now. My mind drifts in and out of consciousness. Consumed with thoughts real and imagined of what was, wasn’t and might yet be. Now I bid a bittersweet adieu to one […]
The Hunter’s Journal: Feels Like the First Time by Tony Barner

First times are unforgettable. I remember my first bear hunt in Canada with a $75.00 bow like it was yesterday. As I recall, I nearly let my nerves get the best of me that day too. Seeing a bear enter my shooting lane for the first time was an indescribably intense sensation. Even with adrenaline […]
Future Doc: Timing is Everything…Well, Almost by Dr. Timothy Pence

In recent Future Doc articles the common stressors or burdens that may prevent or delay healing were introduced. Those being; toxic chemicals, heavy metals, body scars, hidden immune challenges, food sensitivities, and spinal misalignment. Other vastly important considerations involved in a healing program are the factors of time and timing. Just as most disease and […]
Half Baked n’ Bothered: Bomb Sniffing Bees by Margaret Baker

As if honeybees weren’t distressed enough with pesticides hastening their extinction, now they are being asked to risk life and proboscis to pick up the scent of land mines, a job dogs no longer want. Croatian researchers give the sacrificial nectar nippers a sugar water reward for finding buried explosives. Buzzed on TNT, the bomb […]

EVENT: 33rd Annual Art & Craft Show WHEN: Oct 11-13th, 2013 WHERE: West Virginia State Fair Event Center
A Woman, A Story, & A Life In-Between: Dog Cake by Tiffany Blair

My sister recently found a dog cake kit at a local discount store. In honor of Monty’s special treat, I present to you a guest post entitled “A Guide to Baking Cupcakes For Your Dog” by Angela Blair. Enjoy! Have a few drinks. Start mixing; pay close attention to every detail. Make adorable mini cupcakes. […]
My Dog & I: Meet n’ Greet by Janine Lazarus

LOVE this weather!! Even if Banksie has to wear his sweatshirt at night…. We are bouncing around full of energy & optimism…OK so there are NO excuses for not being out on the Greenbrier Trail with us! What a great place to practice your dog-etiquette too….Especially important if you were wandering thru’ Town at the […]
Sat, Oct 5: Freshwater Folk Fest

EVENT: Freshwater Folk Festival WHEN: Saturday, October 5, 2013 WHERE: Fish Hatchery, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia There will be plenty of free music, discovery, and fun at the 9th Annual Freshwater Folk Festival on the grounds of the White Sulphur Springs National Fish Hatchery on East Main Street on October 5 from 10 AM […]

Photo Source: pccocwv.com EVENT: West Virginia Roadkill Cookoff WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 2013 WHERE: Marlinton, West Virginia On Saturday, September 28th, check out an event that has been rated as THE FESTIVAL in West Virginia by Parade Magazine. The Roadkill Cookoff, now in its 21st year, has been featured on the Food Channel and Travel […]

EVENT: Uncle Hamish & The Hooligans & Heritage Festival WHEN: October 4 & 5, 2013 WHERE: Masonic Ampitheatre, Clifton Forge, VA On Friday, October 4th, 2013, Uncle Hamish & The Hooligans will be kicking off this year’s Alleghany Highland’s Heritage Festival in downtown Clifton Forge, VA. Their performance will be held at the Masonic Ampitheatre, […]

Vic Clevenger pictured with Gallagher Photo from: vicclevenger.com EVENT: Comedian Vic Clevenger at McBee’s WHEN: Friday, Sept 27th, 2013. 8:30pm WHERE: McBee’s Irish Pub. 317 Neville Street in Beckley, WV Florida comedian, Vic Clevenger will perform at McBee’s Irish Pub in Beckley on Friday, September 27th at 8:30pm. Clevenger has performed around the country with […]

EVENT: Serenity Now Outfitter’s 10 Year Anniversary Party w/ Lewisburg Palooza! WHEN: Friday, September 27, 2013 WHERE: Greenspace/Fountain (US60/US219), Downtown Lewisburg, WV Serenity Now Outfitters, located in historic downtown Lewisburg, will be holding a 10 year anniversary party on Friday, September 27th. The event will take place on the downtown Greenspace area, which is conveniently […]