Joint Art Show in the GBV: Hand-Made Ceramics & Bedazzled Creativity.

During the month of October, check out a joint art show at the Greenbrier Valley Visitor’s Center in downtown Lewisburg featuring Diana Feather Hunt with Mudwoman Arts. She is a potter and weeping willow. Willow Kelly, a jewelry artist, will also have her work displayed. Diana’s show is called “Culinary Cuties and Vital Vessels” and […]
October 23 & 24: Fall Cider Pressing & Wine Tasting at Old World Libations.

Our state’s signature fruit is in season! While we can indeed get apples at the grocery store year-round, the finest, freshest, most delicious bounty comes in the late summer and fall. Old World Libations in Monroe County invites you to celebrate the harvest. Watch Old World Libations press fresh, unpasteurized apple cider using seven varieties […]
Eye on the Sky: The Great Myth in the Sky.

Hello once again fellow astrophiles! Well, fall has fallen, and we’re finally done with all the hot, humid nastiness of summer. I for one couldn’t be happier about it. Now we can all look forward to falling leaves and cool temperatures. And crisp autumn air makes for some great stargazing, let me tell you. Just […]
Saturday, Nov 6: Boys Home of Virginia’s Harvest Hustle!

On Saturday, November 6th, the Boys Home of Virginia is excited to host their 5th Annual Boys Home Harvest Hustle 5K, 10K, and half-marathon! Each year this event has grown bigger and better! This year Boys Home is ready to celebrate with their best event yet! Each year this event has grown bigger and better! […]
In the Spirit: Oktoberfest, 200 Years of Downing Beer.

Oktoberfest is the world’s largest beer festival and has been celebrated for over 200 years. Oktoberfest runs anywhere from 16 to 18 days and runs from mid- or late September to the first Sunday in October, with more than six million people from around the world attending the event every year. The first Oktoberfest was […]