Poor Monty by Tiffany Blair

I think I am going hire out my dog, Monty, as a hairdresser. I say this because his breath could straighten your hair (and maybe even give you highlights). I know that dogs can sometimes have stinky breath. I know this. This dog, though…his breath smells like roadkill. Or maybe it’s more like hot garbage […]
We are River GODS by Penny C

Cass to Marlinton everyone called us crazy… Welll!!! The first 12 miles from Cass to Clover Lick.. from henseforth shall be called the shallow water show. Not kidding 10 min in the kayak with me and all the equipment and cooler go over. My ankel with at least 300 lbs of running water pressure is […]
Majestic 12 Performing at Sweet Shoppe, May 17th

On Friday, May 17th, Majestic 12 will perform at the Sweet Shoppe in downtown Lewisburg. Based out of Princeton, WV., this band may best be described as pop rock/indie rock sounds. Their shows include a wide variety of music (as they can play several covers) to keep the crowds happy. Their sound is similar to […]
Red Tail Ring at Wild Bean on May 11th

The popular Mountain Music and Folk Art Series continues at the Wild Bean on Saturday, May 11th featuring Red Tail Ring. The Michigan-based duo shares a raw blend of original compositions and interpretations of old ballads and dance tunes from Appalachia. Hosted by Lewisburg’s own Hell for Certain String Band, the series aims to feature […]
Wisdom from the Woods: Life Lessons Learned From Being Around Weak People by Jim Shock

Wisdom from the Woods: Life Lessons Learned From Being Around Weak People Lives intersect in the most peculiar way in West Virginia. Like the meandering hollers and seemingly random back roads to nowhere, every path eventually leads somewhere familiar. I couldn’t honestly say what I went to the Dollar Tree for but I left with […]
Mountain Escapade in West Virginia

There is definitely something to be said about getting out of town for a few days. Getting away from your normal day to day, escaping the monotony of it all, yet not necessarily our general setting in the world. The mountain paradise in which we live is alright in my book, yet the familiar senses […]