B-Sides & Badlands: Caden Glover Eyes Bright Future

The Appalachian skyline is a thing of beauty. There are few natural gifts as majestic and breathtaking. With his new song “Appalachian Skyline,” Union-native Caden Glover invites the listener to take a seat on his back porch and admire the view. “Well, I once met a woman ‘neath the Appalachian moonlight,” he sings, his twang […]
Larry Keel Lives the American Dream w/ a Sharp Songwriting Edge

“I don’t wanna grow up to be another angry old white guy,” Larry Keel proclaims. The title cut to his 2020 studio record cracks open with this puncturing lyric, priming the listener for what’s to come. Across 10 songs, the musical innovator combs the hotbed of current socio-political debates as a way to be honest […]
Saturday, March 12: Michael & the Pentecost to Descend Upon Cross Creek on Main

Michael & the Pentecost’s most recent single, 2020’s “Revisionaries,” bares a striking resemblance to Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, although that was never the intention. In fact, the Roanoke-based band pulled from Neil Young for its throbbing musical veins. “So much so that I nearly trashed it,” admits frontman Michael Roberts, “but my old bass […]