Bringing Yarn to Life!

When self-proclaimed country girl Anna Snyder picks up a crochet hook, she is able to stitch a simple ball of yarn into an offbeat masterpiece. From zombies with dangling eyeballs and mohawks, to famous characters and one-of-a-kind creations, she can crochet just about anything a person’s heart desires. Anna tells us that her love of […]
Worm Moon Equilux

Hello once again fellow astrophiles! Well, here we are, almost a quarter of the way through the year. Can you believe it? Time is flying so fast anymore that it’s gone superchronic. I guess the biggest astrological event this March is the vernal (spring) equinox. I must confess that it’s not really my thing, as […]
Lewisburg’s Angel of Death

Appalachia has a long and rich folklore tradition and as anyone knows who has ever sat around a campfire at night or held a flashlight under their chin, ghost stories are one of the most thrilling parts of oral tradition. Ghost stories nearly always have a shred of truth in them and many evolve over […]
The Real World

I have been lucky enough to work with my dogs in very diverse areas. Many dog trainers are bound by their training environment and their “business models” to work with their clients in a carefully proscribed series of steps that produce the “trained dog” that people have come to expect and recognize. The “basics” of […]
You Have to Believe in Spring

Ordinarily, this time of year, having endured a few months of cold, cold winter, all I can think of is spring and its radiant, fluorescent greens, the delightful, sunny, flannel-shirt days to come in the yard and garden, and the long brisk walks in the morning that I have missed so much. But this year, […]