Mountain Scene: Banging Chains in the Valley!

Get out, bang chains, and grow the sport with the Greenbrier Valley Disc Disciples, your local disc golf club! This club is Greenbrier Valley’s official disc golf community and was formed last summer by local disc golf enthusiasts who regularly played together on Sundays. Currently, the group is made up of 33 official members and […]
WV Artist on Display: Made in West Virginia w/ Brian Pickens

Born and raised in Weston WV, Brian Pickens is the owner of Made in WV, an apparel company out of Morgantown, WV. Brian is an illustrator, graphic designer, and painter specializing in digital illustration. You can find his t-shirt designs on folks in all corners of West Virginia, and he’s shipped hundreds nationally and internationally. […]
In the Spirit: Birth of a New Vintage.

With the kind of winter we had, it feels like spring began back in January. Nevertheless, it is that time of year now when trees are starting to bud and flowers are starting to bloom and very soon…perhaps too soon!…summer will be in full swing. In the past, we have written about the spring time […]
Bailey’s Pace: Shoeless Hillbillies.

Wild and wonderful,” that’s West Virginia’s state motto. But what do people think about when they think about West Virginia. Images of shoeless hillbillies with missing teeth may come to mind. Or maybe when you tell people that you are from the blue and gold state, they ask you if you have ever dated your […]
My Dog & I: Dog Years.

There is nothing sadder than losing a companion that has shared your life for a decade or so and honestly, it doesn’t seem fair that our dog friends don’t hang around as long as we do… The fact is that their lifespan is simply not as long as ours and although we know this on […]
Pseudo News: Grandpa Larry’s Helpful Hints.

And now, here are this month’s helpful hints from Grandpa Larry. 1. Get busy! Stuff accumulates on the bodies of people who remain in the same position for too long. If you don’t believe me, just go out into your yard and look at the rocks on the north facing hill. There is moss. I […]