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West Virginia Artist On Display
Kenny Bostic’s Art Beautifully Imitates His Life

Kenny Bostic

Popular Monroe County award-winning artist Kenny Bostic is a Renaissance man. Creating breathtaking nature scenes, idyllic portraits of farm life, and other subjects as requested with all sorts of media is only one aspect of Kenny’s many talents. He is also an accomplished trail runner who often competes and places in local races, a champion horseman, and a farmer who diligently tends to his animals and his piece of earth in the Sinks Grove area.

I recently chatted with Kenny about his art, and learned a lot about his talent and the steps that led him to becoming the successful artist he is today.

How did you get started? What’s your story?

Kenny: I’ve been drawing and using paints ever since I can remember. I’m not really sure how I got started. I probably scribbled around as a toddler and it came naturally, so I kept drawing. When I was four, almost five, I drew a picture of a duck walking through the grass. My mom entered it in the West Virginia State Fair and I won a blue ribbon. I’m left handed, so the creative part of my brain takes over.

What all do you make?

I make a wide variety of things. I paint on canvas, saw blades, slate, and pretty much anything. You would be surprised at what people bring to me to paint on. I painted a guitar once, a miner’s helmet, and a lunchbox, so that kind of gives you an idea.

Art by Kenny Bostic

What is your favorite thing to make?

My favorite things to paint are farm animals, birds, wildlife, and landscapes with barns. I’m an animal lover, so I enjoy bringing life to the animal’s eyes.

Where can people find your things?

I post my art on my personal Facebook page. From time to time, you may see me at craft fairs and such places, but social media makes things a lot easier.

Do you have any advice for a young artist?

My advice to young artists would be, if you love what you’re doing, don’t let anything or anyone stop you. You’ll have struggles, you’ll have failures, you’ll fall down, but you have to get back up.

Art by Kenny Bostic

Can you tell the readers what your art mediums are?

I create my art using acrylics, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, pen and ink, charcoal, and even crayons. I can’t say I have a favorite medium. I enjoy them all, but I mostly use acrylics.

What would you say your main sources of inspiration are?

I’ve always been inspired by Norman Rockwell and his art. He painted lifelike paintings. His paintings always told a story and could be serious and funny at the same time.

Art by Kenny Bostic

Do you have a theme?

I like to stay with the realism theme with my art. I like for my paintings to be as realistic as I can get them. What keeps me inspired with my art is my love for it. I take a lot of photos that I use for references for my paintings. I’m a man of many interests, so I don’t sit still long. I’m always outside when I’m not painting. My main passions are running, riding horses, my art, and of course, hanging out with and talking with friends.

Art by Kenny Bostic

Where can people purchase your work?

People can contact me about my art through my Facebook page. It’s easier for me to handle it that way. I’m always busy doing something around the farm or running on the trails, so I’m not usually near a phone.

You can find Kenny, his beautiful art and stunning photographs on Facebook – Kenny Bostic (Kenneth M), and Instagram – bostickenny.

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Lisa Coburn
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