Whenever I’m having a bad day, or just feeling a little bit glum, I always have the perfect cure, and often he’s laying right beside me in a snuggly, warm ball on my bed beckoning me to come to him. That’s right, all it takes to lift my spirits on any given day is some fresh hound dog breath and a quick snuggling sesh with my best boy, Huckleberry.
Now, if you don’t already know from experience that dogs have the magic ability to make us happy, let me give you some real evidence.
Now, if you don’t already know from experience that dogs have the magic ability to make us happy, let me give you some real evidence. It has been studied and proven by many over time that owning a dog, or just petting one, promotes the flow of oxytocin in our bodies which decreases our heart rates and helps us to feel happy and relaxed.

The other week, I was having an exceptionally tough time, slogging through the last few cold dreary weeks of February, and grappling with the many upcoming changes in my life. Once I finally gave into the encouragement from my mom and my dog to slack off for a bit and come snuggle on the couch, I immediately started feeling better. With Huckleberry’s warm paws wrapped around my legs, and his damp cool nose sweetly resting on my hand, my whole outlook on things began to change and my positivity flowed once again.
With Huckleberry’s warm paws wrapped around my legs, and his damp cool nose sweetly resting on my hand, my whole outlook on things began to change and my positivity flowed once again.
Whether it’s gloomy and stormy outside or hectic and frazzled out in the world, it’s always cozy and comforting snuggling with Huckleberry. He’s my strong and steady good boy, always there when I need him to bring a smile to my face and keep my emotions in check. Some say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, I say a dog pet a day keeps your worries away. So, just remember, next time you need a sure thing to lift you up, go get some dog love, I know that’ll do the trick.
– Janine Lazarus w/ Goodladd Dog Training, HashtagWV #140. March 2022.