Future Doc: 2019, A Year of Change & Hope.

I think we all feel it. I sure do surely. Things and the times are a changing. There’s an awakening. Let’s Hope and assure that the Changes will be for the better of all. Let’s see beyond the divide and conquer agenda and respect our differences. Let’s embrace our commonalities. Let’s confront our problems and seek […]
In the Spirit: Becoming a “Somm”

Over the past few decades, the restaurant industry has received increased attention; an industry once thought of as a part-time gig for college students or people that are between jobs has blossomed into a (for the most part) well-respected career. Chefs’ got the first bit of attention with The Food Network’s glorification of celebrity chefs […]
From Christmas the Cowboy Way to SteelDriving, the Diverse 2019 Carnegie Season.

“T’were the days before Christmas and all thru the hall, armadillos were lurking beside Woody Paul, the canteens were hung on the mic stands with care, while Too Slim and Ranger Doug stood unaware, and Joey the Cowpolka King, there to distract us, near cellophane campfire and inflatable cactus…” “Christmas the Cowboy Way”, the amazing […]
Funeral Swag: Mise-en-place.

Get it together. That’s what it means, things in place, get it together. Get your mise-en-place, get all your ingredients. I say this a lot. Mostly to myself. Blair, get it together, tighten up. Guess its the chef coming out. Whatever you’re making, get the ingredients out. Potatoes, check, celery, check, salt, check. Things like […]
My Dog & I: Foundations

And another year begins…funny how they do seem to be running together these days. Yet another reminder to slow things down and enjoy our time here…with the help of our dogs, of course! This article gives me the opportunity to remind everyone again about the importance of preparing our new Xmas Puppies for their lives […]
Life Unhinged: Winter Dreams.

I wake up every morning sometime between two and five o’clock am. And often I can fall back asleep again but usually I can’t. When I can’t I have a little regimen that I follow. I take ten milligrams of melatonin (a hormone usually created in the pineal gland, but available in pill form, that […]
Guns & Cornbread: Winter is the Time for Beagles and Bunnies.

Look in here! Seek! Get ‘em! Look here!” My hunting buddy’s shouts were measured and rhythmic. He repeated the words over and again, giving emphasis when he stepped in likely looking pieces of cover. When he reached something he thought was especially inviting his tone would change and he would increase the tempo. This meant […]