Oct 27 & 28: Barn Hunt Trial in Union, (A New Sport for Dogs!)

There is a new sport for dogs and it’s called Barn Hunt. This is a fun and exciting new activity that is sweeping the country including New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Hawaii, and every other state in the nation. This sport simulates ratting out a barn in a fun way that doesn’t kill any […]
Sat Oct 13: TOOT – A True Lewisburg Experience

The 34th annual Taste of Our Town – TOOT takes place Saturday, October 13, from 11am-3pm. Nearly 10,000 residents and visitors from across the region will gather on the streets of historic downtown Lewisburg. Each year, TOOT brings together signature dishes from local restaurants, civic clubs, and non-profits with live music and entertainment. Delectable food […]