Greenbrier River Race in Marlinton, April 27th

Shoes have been laced, paddles primed, and the tires inflated to their desirable pressure settings. That’s right folks; it’s that time of the year again when families, friends, and pleasantly raucous cheering squads line up along the streets of Marlinton, WV to root their favorite team or individual across the finish line. Whether the contestants […]
Wine & Wings Fundraiser at Watt’s Roost Vineyard, May 3rd

Is it impossible to pair wine with wings? Definitely not according to Watt’s Roost Vineyard, When Pigs Fly BBQ, and The Tutoring Center. This Friday, May 3rd, we invite you to make the call at this year’s “Wine & Wings Fundraiser” at Watt’s Roost Vineyard. Anyone looking for an excuse to drink excellent wines and […]
The Flower Tent at SJ Neathawk’s Lumber

Like me, many of you probably noticed a girl at the entrance of S.J. Neathawk’s Lumber holding a large sign saying “Easter Flowers” over Easter weekend. Curious, I decided to stop in, check out the goods, and talk to the owner, Kenneth “Jonathan” (as he likes to go by) Gibson. Gibson owns the Greenbrier Building […]
Vacation by Tiffany Blair

I need a vacation. More specifically, I need a beach vacation. The last time I went to the beach was in 2009 during a cruise and it was fantastic, start to finish. Given some recent events in the cruise industry, however, I’m going to back-burner a repeat on that particular type of excursion. Call me […]
Get a Ride with Cosmic Cab Company

Next time you need a ride somewhere, think of Cosmic Cab Company. Since 2010, Cosmic Cab owner, Lorrie Monte, has been serving the greater Greenbrier Valley with fast, friendly, and reliable service. You’ll find that Cosmic Cab Co. fills a variety of transportation needs in the greater Greenbrier Valley area. Unlike your standard 4 door […]
Montclaire String Quartet, April 26th

On Friday, April 26th, the Montclaire String Quartet will perform at Carnegie Hall in Lewisburg, at 7:30pm. This quartet is celebrating its 23rd year as a quartet-in-residence for the West Virginia Symphony. The quartet consists of violinist and concertmaster, Amelia Chan ; viola player, Bernard Di Gregorio ; cellist, Andrea Di Gregorio ; and violinist, […]